Gastrik By-Pass

It is one of the most used obesity surgeries in the world. First the stomach is cut and reduced to volume of 30-40 cc. The small intestine is then cut from about 100cm and tied to the prepared small stomach. The upper end of the intestine is sutured 100cm away from this connection. İn this way a new pathway is opened for bile produced in the liver.

It is more comPlicated surgery then sleeve gastrectomy and mini by-pass surgery. Therefore, the operation time is longer. The probability of complications is slightly higher then other obesity surgeries. İt takes about 1.5 hours. It is applied by laparoscopic (closed method).

As the stomach portion left for food intake is very small and the intestines are shortened and absorption is reduced, the success of weight loss is very high. İt also provides good diabetes and high cholesterol control. Some vitamins and mineral supplements may be required from time to time depending on the patient’s needs.

After 24-48 hours, Juicy food is started. Usually third day our patient can be discharged on the way.

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